Cuplikan Menarik

Sunday, February 28, 2010 | Posted in
Pengen buka situs wap seperti dg mozilla?? ini dia triknya. Trik ini menggunakan user agent. Kita akan mengganti user agent Mozilla kita menjadi User Agent Mobile. Misalnya kita akan menyamar sebagai browser Opera Mini. Dan sekarang kita akan mengubah user agent Mozilla ( untuk browser yang lain cari sendiri yah ). Ok langsung aja ya

Donwload Add on User-Agent switcher disini :

Install add-on, restart firefox dan kemudian pilih
tools –> Default User Agent –> Edit User Agent –> New

Di tab User Agents pilih add, isi

Description : Opera Mini
User-Agent : Opera/9.50 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/4.1.10781/302; U; en)

yang lain kosongin aja.

Pilih tools –> Default User Agent –> Opera Mini

Kalo Sudah coba cek di web ini :

Dan sekarang browser anda udah menjadi Opera Mini. Coba ja buka ntar pasti muncul yg versi mobile.

Kalo mau jadi mobile user agent lain selain Opera Mini ubah aja descriptionnya terserah kamu dan user agentnya berikut ini :

–Internet Explorer Mobile (IEM):

WM6.0 Classic (HP iPAQ 210, official ROM)

–Opera Mini 4.1 under Jbed 3.1:

Opera/9.50 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/4.1.10781/302; U; en)

–Opera Mobile 9.33b:

Opera/9.0 (Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobile/331; U; en)

–Opera Mobile 8.50:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; PPC; 480×640)

–Current ?NetFront 3.5 TP

Mozilla/5.0 (PDA; NF35WMPRO/1.0; like Gecko)

–?NetFront 3.3 final

Mozilla/4.08 (PDA; NF33PPC3AR/1.0)


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.5)

–On desktop Windows:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)


Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)

Opera 9.5b:

Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)

Mozilla/Firefox 3b5:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:

–Other mobile OS’es

Mozilla/5.0 (?SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 ?NokiaN95/21.0.016; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 )

iPhone Safari:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 | Posted in
Bingung merubah script ke html?? caranya mudah, masuk ke situs ini copy script anda di kolom "Paste Ad Code to Convert Here" lalu klik "convert ad code". Nahh keluar kan kode html nya..

Sekarang gimana kalo sebaliknya dari html ke javascript?? buka situs ini copy kode html anda lalu paste di kolom atas klik "HTML -> JavaScript"

Semoga bermanfaat..
Thursday, February 11, 2010 | Posted in
Jika anda browsing dan merasa terganggu dengan adanya iklan-iklan/ Advertisement dengan menggunakan Ad Muncher akan teratasi. Ad Muncher adalah software yang sangat membantu mempercepat browsing ketika anda meload suatu website. Cara kerja Ad Muncher adalah memblok iklan/advertisement yang ada dalam suatu website/blog. Dengan ini saya rasa sudah cukup membuat koneksi internet anda. lebih cepat dan sangat bagus untuk anda yang menggunakan koneksi wireless karena lebih hemat bandwith.


Cara menggunakan Ad Muncher yaitu anda hanya tinggal mendownload dan menginstall saja tanpa perlu mensetting apapun. Ciri Ad Muncher aktif (warna putih)dari indikator icon kepala sapi yang terletak di system tray sudut pojok kanan taskbar (warna merah tidak aktif). Ketika anda membuka situs yang terdapat banner iklan / Advertisement, Icon kepala sapi akan bergerak dicirikan mulutnya terbuka atau mengap-mengap seperti memakan sesuatu. Istilah humornya iklan yang tidak perlu ditampilkan dimakan oleh sapi..he..he..

Download full version nya di sini :

Monday, February 08, 2010 | Posted in
Manfaatkan blog anda untuk mendapatkan uang dengan sistem Pay Per Click (PPC) dengan bergabung di KumpulBloggerSetelah mendaftar anda tinggal masukkan script iklan/banner untuk ditempatkan pada blog anda. Dengan begitu pengunjung anda akan melihat iklan/banner dari KumpulBlogger.

Dan apabila ada pengunjung (berdasar IP address) yang mengklik iklan itu berarti anda akan mendapatkan bayaran Rp 300,- untuk mode Text Link dan Rp. 350,- untuk mode Mini Banner. Bayangkan bila blog anda memiliki ratusan atau bahkan ribuan pengunjung. 100 klik? 1000 klik? woww bisa dibayangkan berapa rupiah yang anda dapat.

Sekedar informasi tambahan anda akan dibayar oleh KumpulBlogger setelah saldo anda minimal Rp.10.000,- untuk rekening BCA dan minimal Rp.50.000,- untuk rekening Mandiri.

Tertarik?? Silahkan mendaftar di cara daftarnya download di sini

Friday, February 05, 2010 | Posted in
Jika anda menggunakan anti virus PCMAV pada kondisi default saat awal dijalankan terdapat beberapa pengecekan sebelum bisa dilakukan scanning yang tentunya membuat anda menunggu lebih lama. Sebenarnya ada fitur yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat proses startup tersebut. Oke langsung saja, ikuti langkah berikut :

  1. Buat shortcut, caranya klik kanan pada file aplikasinya, pilih "Create Shortcut"
  2. Kemudian klik kanan lagi pada shortcut yang telah dibuat tadi, pilih "Properties"
  3. Tambahkan di kolom target parameter berikut ini :
/NOMEM        => Tidak perlu scan memory.
/NOSTARTUP => Tidak perlu melakukan scan pada saat startup PCMAV.
/NOUPDATE   => Tidak perlu melakukan cek update.
     4. Klik "Aplly" dan "Ok"

       Sekarang coba jalankan hasil shortcut tadi.

Parameter tambahan yang mungkin berguna :

/REGSHELL      => Untuk menampilkan pilihan "Scan with PCMAV" pada saat klik kanan file yang akan di-scan.
/UNREGSHELL => Untuk menghapus pilihan "Scan with PCMAV".
/REGCLEAN    => Mencoba mengembalikan registry dan setting "Tools Folder Options" ke kondisi default.
/FORCE           => Mengizinkan PCMAV untuk memaksa membersihkan file yang terinfeksi.

Bila belum punya PCMAV? bisa download di sini
Saturday, January 02, 2010 | Posted in
From time-to-time wireless connections will fail and you’ll be required to “repair” the connection. If you’re using Windows XP, you can follow the below steps to reconnect to your wireless network.

1. Minimize all open screens by clicking on this button
    in the upper right-hand corner of each open window.

2. In the lower right-hand corner of the screen, right click on the wireless icon.

3. On the menu that pops up, click on Repair.

4. A screen will popup indicating the system is connecting to the wireless network.

5. It will take about 15 seconds to repair the connection. Once the repair is complete you can return to the programs that you minimized…

Source :

Saturday, January 02, 2010 | Posted in
Transporting your data is probably the most common use for a USB flash drive. But there's a world of other things you can do with these handy pocket-size drives. Here are 10 ways you can use that USB flash drive to do more than simply just move data.

1. Run portable applications

In addition to storing your data, you can run portable applications from a USB flash drive. For example, OpenOffice, which is a complete office suite that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package, and database, is available as a portable application. Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird are also available as portable applications. When you combine the office suite with the ability to surf the Web and check email, you'll be able to take your most vital computing applications with you wherever you go -- right in your pocket.
If that's not enough, you can choose other applications to install on your USB flash drive from (Figure A). You can even install an entire prepackaged suite of applications that includes such things as an audio player, games, an antivirus utility, and a handy menu system.

Figure A

2. Boot an operating system

If you want to do more than just run your own applications, you might want to consider booting an entire operating system from your USB flash drive. You can boot either Windows or Linux from a USB flash drive; however, the process is not an exact science and you may be in for a technical adventure. Fortunately, there are some guides you can follow. To learn how to boot Windows XP from a USB flash drive, see the article Creating a bootable USB flash drive for Windows XP. To learn how to boot a version of Linux from a USB flash drive, see the article Puppy Linux teaches an old dog new tricks.

3. Connect to a wireless network

If you have a wireless network, you can use the Wireless Network Setup Wizard in Windows XP or the Windows Connect Now (WCN) feature built into Vista to save wireless network configuration information to a USB flash drive. You can then use your drive to quickly and easily connect another computer or a WCN-compatible device, such as a router or printer, to your wireless network. To learn

more about using the Wireless Network Setup Wizard, see the Help And Support Center, which is accessible from Windows XP's Start menu. To learn more about using the Windows Connect Now feature, see Windows Help And Support, which is accessible from Windows Vista's Start menu.

4. Create a password reset disk

A password reset disk can really come in handy if you forget the password to your user account on a Windows system that is not a part of a domain. If you find yourself in that situation, you can use the password reset disk to reset your password and quickly get back into your user account. In Windows Vista, you can use USB flash drive rather than a floppy disk as a password reset disk (Figure B). For details on how to do so, see the article Create a Vista password reset disk using a USB flash drive.

Figure B

5. Boost performance

If you're running Windows Vista, you can use a USB flash drive to speed up your system with the ReadyBoost technology. ReadyBoost can use the storage space on a USB Flash drive as an additional memory cache to aid the memory cache on your hard disk. And because flash memory is more responsive than a hard disk, with its physical moving parts, the memory cache provided by ReadyBoost can significantly improve system responsiveness.

Using ReadyBoost is easy. You just insert your USB flash drive into your Vista system and follow the onscreen prompts to configure and use ReadyBoost. If you want more details, check out the article How SuperFetch and ReadyBoost work together.

6. Manage it

If all you really want to do with your USB flash drive is transport data, and you're running Windows XP, you can do so more efficiently with the Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager (Figure C). Once you have installed this manager, you can easily copy files to and from your drive, back up and restore the entire flash drive to and from your hard disk, change the drive label, and even create an autorun.inf file to launch Drive Manager automatically when you plug in the drive. To learn more about and download the USB Flash Drive Manager visit the Microsoft TechNet Magazine site.

Figure C

7. Use it as an MP3 player

Would you like to be listening to music when you're using a computer at the office, but you don't have an MP3 player? If so, you can use a USB flash drive as an MP3 player along with Windows Media Player and a set of headphones. Just copy your MP3 files to your USB flash drive, plug it into your computer, and direct Windows Media Player to build a library of the songs on your drive. You can use all of Windows Media Player's playback features, such as playlists and favorites, to easily customize your music listening experience. And best of all, you won't have to worry about running low on battery power.

8. Password-protect it

Figure D

If you use a USB flash drive to transport sensitive data that you would prefer to protect from prying eyes, should you lose the drive, Rohos Mini Drive (Figure D) can safeguard that data. This security tool allows you to create a secret partition on the drive and then password-protect/encrypt that partition, thus protecting any documents you copy to that partition via the utility's file manager. You can download and read a review of Rohos Mini Drive at CNET

9. Run a Web site from it

If you are a Web developer, you may be interested to know that with Server2Go, you can easily run a Web server that supports Apache, PHP, MySQL, and Perl right from a USB flash drive. You can use Server2Go right out of the box without any installation. It runs on all versions of Windows, supports most common browsers, and is completely free. To a developer, the benefits of having a portable Web server on a USB drive are numerous. For example, imagine being able to carry a live Web site demo into a sales pitch meeting. For more information about this package, visit the Server2Go site.

10. Lock your PC

Have you ever seen a movie in which a person in some secret government installation simply inserts and removes a card to log in and log out of a PC? If you thought that idea was cool, you'll definitely want to investigate Predator (Figure E). Once installed and configured, this little freeware utility will allow you to turn a USB flash drive into a key you can use to lock and unlock your computer.

Figure E

While the USB flash drive is connected to your computer, everything works as it normally would. Once you remove the USB flash drive, your computer is locked down -- the keyboard and mouse are disabled and the screen darkens. To unlock your computer, you just plug in the USB flash drive and the computer will be unlocked and you can begin using it. To learn more about Predator, and/or to download it, visit the developer's Web site.
